Monday, February 14, 2011

Community Power: Decentralized Renewable Energy in California by Al Weinrub

There has been a LOT of movement in community solar systems in California - so much that I am going to take a trip to the Bay Area to share in the excitement!

"This paper identifies the factors that favor local decentralized generation of electricity: its economic benefits to local communities, its cost-effectiveness, its minimization of environmental impacts, its potential to rapidly meet renewable energy targets, and its increased system security. The paper also identifies obstacles to local renewable power and outlines policies that can promote its development."

"Community Power reflects the reality that all electric power is not equal: the impact of electric power production on our ecosystem and on our communities depends on the economic, environmental, political, and social conditions under which the electricity is produced. And from this perspective, the impacts on our communities of remote central-station renewable power and local decentralized renewable power are very different indeed."

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