Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Bring Shared Renewables to Low-Moderate Income Consumers | Interstate Renewable Energy Council

LMI Cover_FINAL_030316As more Americans gain access to affordable renewable energy, and as more "shared" and "community" solar programs crop up across the country, states are asking the question: How can we bring shared renewable energy opportunities to our low and moderate income (LMI) households? A new publication by IREC offers the first comprehensive guidance on how it can be done with the most meaningful results.

"Opening more neighborhood doors to solar and other renewable energy is our goal with these guidelines," says IREC President/CEO Jane Weissman, "specifically doors of low or moderate income homes and those in disadvantaged communities."

IREC's Shared Renewable Energy for Low- to Moderate-Income Consumers: Policy Guidelines and Model Provisions provides information and tools for policymakers, regulators, utilities, shared renewable energy developers, program administrators and others to support the adoption and implementation of shared renewables programs specifically designed to provide tangible benefits to LMI individuals and households.

Read more:

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