Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Oakland: Rally to Stop AB 2145: PG&E’s Attack on Local Clean Energy & Jobs!

Rally to Stop AB 2145: PG&E’s Attack on Local Clean Energy & Jobs!

Just as Alameda County is taking steps to establish a community-based clean energy program in the East Bay, PG&E is using ratepayer funds to push AB 2145, a bill that would gut the Community Choice energy law and prevent the East Bay from moving forward with greener, cheaper, local electricity generation.

We call on our local State Senators, Ellen Corbett and Mark DeSaulnier, to do the right thing--to stand up and take leadership on Community Choice, clean energy, and jobs in the East Bay. Vote NO on AB 2145 at the Senate Energy Committee!

We call on PG&E to stop using our ratepayer dollars to strengthen its monopoly by gutting the Community Choice energy law.

When: 10:30 am, Thursday, June 19
Where: PG&E Service Center, 1919 Webster Street, Oakland (2 blocks from BART)

Call our East Bay Senators, Ellen Corbett (916-651-4010) and Mark DeSaulnier (916-651-4007), to oppose AB 2145. Call Senator Alex Padilla (916-651-4020), Chair of the Energy Committee (who is running for Secretary of State) to do the same! Make our voices heard.

Sponsored by: Californians for Energy Choice, Oakland Climate Action Coalition, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Organizing for Action, Local Clean Energy Alliance, Communities for a Better Environment, Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

For more info, contact Colin Miller, colin@baylocalize.org, 510-834-0420 (office) / 646-703-4837 (cell)

Join us at the sign-making party on Weds, June 18th, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm at 438 49th St, Oakland

Editorial comments from Solar Gardens Blog:
To me, there are really two questions here. The first is how do we reduce greenhouse gas emissions? I passionately believe this should not be through "any means necessary".

The second is how do we address inequality and bring democracy into our energy system? How do we establish local control and individual ownership of our own energy? 

I think the best way to do this is to break up the old centralized model of utilities. This means breaking up the IOUs and going to public power and cooperatives, eliminating the for-profit utility model completely. We can certainly have solar gardens and other kinds of shared energy under this model.

Along with municipalization such as we are seeing in Boulder and Minneapolis, community choice aggregation is one of the best tools that we have for doing this, and why I oppose AB 2145 and strongly support these protests.

IOUs being pressured to adopt something like community programs and more renewable energy. This is a good thing, but only a rearguard action and a prelude to the structural changes to come. Ultimately IOU business models will have to change, and we will be in the new landscape of energy. Let us work to shape this landscape to be the most beneficial for users of energy possible.

Keep up the good fight,


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