Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Seattle City Light completes community solar project | Fierce Energy
"This innovative project lets customers promote and benefit from solar even if they rent, have shady roofs or can't make the big investment of installing their own solar system," Sephir Hamilton, Chief of Staff for Seattle City Light, said. "When customers invest in solar, they also think harder about reducing their own electricity use in order to make the most of their solar production credits."
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
'Community Solar' Bill Is Another Victim of Hawaii Legislative Crunch - Honolulu Civil Beat
A bill that would have made it easier for residents of high-rise apartment buildings and renters to switch to solar was killed in conference committee on Friday.
Senate Bill 2934 was a priority piece of legislation for clean-energy advocates. The measure would have allowed residents without roof space or those living in areas where Hawaiian Electric Co.'s electric grid can't accommodate any more solar to still take advantage of solar energy.
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Monday, April 28, 2014
XCEL's Big Projects "Solar Done Right"? Really?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Energy Democracy for All Map– Center for Social Inclusion
Community Solar Gardens Sprouting in Minnesota - CleanTechies
On April 7, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission resoundingly rejected (click the link for an annotated ruling) a severely lacking community solar gardens proposal from Xcel Energy and required substantial improvements for the utility's revised filing.
The regulatory smack-down means a promising community solar market for Minnesota (scroll down for the infographic version). from my iPhone
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Land Too Dry? Water Scarce? How Solar Solves Several Problems at Once

As solar spreads around the country, siting can become an issue. Sometimes that’s resolved by using already compromised land -- we’ve seen solar over parking lots or on landfills, even on some Superfund sites.
Many large solar plants are built in desert areas in the Southwest, which have the advantages of ample space -- often not suitable for farming -- and plenty of sun. Those areas are not problem-free, though.
Researchers at the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford were thinking about this, and they noticed a connection among a few problems:
- A lot of water is needed to clean solar panels in dusty, arid areas.
- Desert areas aren’t good for growing most crops.
- A lot of farmland is being used now to grow corn and other grains for ethanol, but grains aren’t the most efficient source for producing the fuel.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Solar’s Dramatic Price Plunge Could Trigger Energy Price Deflation | Greentech Media
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Construction Set to Begin on Solar Garden - KREX - News, Weather, Sports for Grand Junction | Montrose | Glenwood Springs - Coverage You Can Count On
What is now an empty lot, will soon bloom with energy.
"A community solar garden is very new, new to Colorado and very new to the solar industry," said Eric Anderson, energy manager for School District 51.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Could the ‘Shared Solar’ movement work in shady Connecticut?
Four solar Gardens planned near Durango, Colorado
Edinburgh Council spearheading the Cooperative Council approach
Washington: Community solar project would be a first
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Australia: Tathra solar farm a shining light for community
You now have the opportunity to invest in clean, co-operative, renewable energy in Ottawa
- A summary with the key features of the shares on offer and how to purchase them is here
- The full share offering statement approved by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario ishere
- The share subscription form is here
- A schedule of information sessions can be seen here.
Help this school in Tanzania go solar
Monday, April 7, 2014
Solar Supporters: It’s Open Season on the Utilities’ Duck | Institute for Local Self-Reliance
The rapid changes to the electricity system being wrought by distributed solar have utilities crying out, and they've poured much of their distributed solar angst into a chart being shared throughout the energy nerdocracy – the duck.
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Solar Decathlon Houses Make Up a Solar Village to Test Microgrid Technology
New Hampshire, USA -- In yet one more example of the rising interest in how microgrids that incorporate renewable energy and energy storage will change the energy landscape, Missouri University of Science and Technology (MST) has created what it says is the first "Solar Village" in the U.S.
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