The SUN Act is one of the most important pieces of federal legislation that would enable the growth of the community solar industry nationwide. I will try to make sure we all stay informed - when to write your Senator asking for support ...
- Joy
U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., has reintroduced
his Solar Uniting Neighborhoods Act that would make homeowners who
participate in community solar farms eligible for federal tax credits.
Udall first introduced the bill in 2010, but it died in committee.
tax laws currently require that a homeowner must install solar panels
to be eligible for the 30% individual renewable energy federal tax
credit. Udall says shade from trees or other structures, building
architecture or permitting sometimes make the installation of solar
panels on a home impractical.
Read more:
Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Million Solar Roofs for Colorado - COSEIA
Let a thousand solar gardens bloom beside the million solar roofs!
- Joy

"With the right policies in place, clean, renewable solar power can become a significant part of Colorado's energy mix," said Senior Associate Jeanne Bassett of Environment Colorado. "That is why we're asking Governor Hickenlooper to set a goal for Colorado to put up one million solar roofs by 2030."
Leaders of the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association, which launched its Million Solar Roofs vision and website in February, said they stand ready to put on their tool belts and get to work installing all kinds of solar energy.
The two groups announced that more than 240 organizations, businesses and elected officials have joined forces endorsing the Million Solar Roofs campaign, which calls for installing the equivalent of a million solar roofs, 3 Gigawatts of solar, by 2030.
"One of the many benefits of solar is that it is all about jobs,'' said John Bringenberg, COSEIA board member and owner of SunTalk Solar.``Installing the equivalent of a million solar roofs will create thousands of excellent skilled jobs throughout the state by hundreds of Colorado focused solar installation companies. Key to meeting this goal will be policies encouraging builders to include solar on all new homes in the future.''
According to Environment Colorado's new report, Colorado could be doing much more to harness the sun's power and make solar a central player in the State's energy strategy. Analyses have shown that by 2030, solar power could help Colorado avoid 3.6 million metric tons of global warming pollution and protect public health by reducing harmful air pollution from the state's fossil fuel-fired plants. Meeting the goal would be the equivalent of taking 900,000 vehicles off the road.
In launch events scheduled around Colorado Thursday, supporters made clear that solar power is good for the state's economy and environment.
In Grand Junction, the event was held at School District 51's Career Center. "Beyond delivering clean energy, solar power provides a great advantage to the consumer,'' said Energy Manager of School District 51 Eric Anderson.`` Solar maintains stable electricity prices and reduces the electricity losses that result from long distance transmission lines to central power plants. Solar makes sense for the environment, economy and the consumer."
In Rifle, the campaign was launched at the Police Department, which is installing solar panels on its building as part of a community effort install 425 kilowatts of solar on eight City facilities, making each site effectively net-zero and saving the City approximately $440,000 in energy bills over the life of the project. "The Rifle Police Department, as a strong partner in the Rifle community, is happy to be part of this project,'' said Rifle Police Chief John Dyer. ``The goal of increasing our use of renewable energy is a goal we can all be proud of."
In Aspen, an event Thursday was scheduled at the Hyatt Grand Hotel, which has a large solar thermal array on the roof.
In 2004, Colorado became the first state to adopt a renewable energy standard by popular vote. Colorado's clean energy industry is drawing millions of dollars in capital investment already. Despite this potential, New Jersey has about four times more installed solar energy than Colorado, according to SEIA's 2012 U.S. Solar Insight Report.
Environment Colorado's report urges government officials to promote the development of Colorado's solar energy market through ambitious policies. Key policies highlighted in the report include:
* Strengthening the state's renewable energy standard
* Maintaining and strengthening net metering policies
* Making solar energy an attractive investment for all customers, encouraging programs such as feed-in tariffs, low-interest loans, and Property Assessed Clean Energy projects
* Developing Colorado's potential for solar water heating
* Renewing tax exemption programs
* Support of community solar projects
* Eliminating regulatory barriers to the expansion of solar energy through programs such as COSEIA's Solar Friendly Communities
"We've taken major steps forward with solar over the past few years. The progress we've made so far should enable us to move to the next level," concluded Bassett. "But in order to continue this progress we need to see commitment from our state leaders. Here in Colorado, we are counting on Governor Hickenlooper to take the lead."
Jeanne Bassett,, 303-573-3871 ext 3
Rebecca Cantwell,, 303-333-7342
- Joy
State leaders endorse Million Solar Roofs Campaign
Report: Colorado Should Tap into its Vast Solar Energy Potential
Report: Colorado Should Tap into its Vast Solar Energy Potential
from government, business and non-profit sectors joined together
Thursday to endorse Colorado's Million Solar Roofs campaign and support
the vision that Colorado can get 10 percent of its energy from solar by
2030- up from less than 1 percent today.
Environment Colorado Research and Policy Center's new report: A Million Solar Roofs for Colorado outlines
the vast solar potential in Colorado and the environmental benefits of
tapping into even a fraction of that potential. The report outlines
how Colorado can harness its 300 days of sunshine a year to make solar a
mainstream energy source.
"With the right policies in place, clean, renewable solar power can become a significant part of Colorado's energy mix," said Senior Associate Jeanne Bassett of Environment Colorado. "That is why we're asking Governor Hickenlooper to set a goal for Colorado to put up one million solar roofs by 2030."
Leaders of the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association, which launched its Million Solar Roofs vision and website in February, said they stand ready to put on their tool belts and get to work installing all kinds of solar energy.
The two groups announced that more than 240 organizations, businesses and elected officials have joined forces endorsing the Million Solar Roofs campaign, which calls for installing the equivalent of a million solar roofs, 3 Gigawatts of solar, by 2030.
"One of the many benefits of solar is that it is all about jobs,'' said John Bringenberg, COSEIA board member and owner of SunTalk Solar.``Installing the equivalent of a million solar roofs will create thousands of excellent skilled jobs throughout the state by hundreds of Colorado focused solar installation companies. Key to meeting this goal will be policies encouraging builders to include solar on all new homes in the future.''
According to Environment Colorado's new report, Colorado could be doing much more to harness the sun's power and make solar a central player in the State's energy strategy. Analyses have shown that by 2030, solar power could help Colorado avoid 3.6 million metric tons of global warming pollution and protect public health by reducing harmful air pollution from the state's fossil fuel-fired plants. Meeting the goal would be the equivalent of taking 900,000 vehicles off the road.
In launch events scheduled around Colorado Thursday, supporters made clear that solar power is good for the state's economy and environment.
In Grand Junction, the event was held at School District 51's Career Center. "Beyond delivering clean energy, solar power provides a great advantage to the consumer,'' said Energy Manager of School District 51 Eric Anderson.`` Solar maintains stable electricity prices and reduces the electricity losses that result from long distance transmission lines to central power plants. Solar makes sense for the environment, economy and the consumer."
In Rifle, the campaign was launched at the Police Department, which is installing solar panels on its building as part of a community effort install 425 kilowatts of solar on eight City facilities, making each site effectively net-zero and saving the City approximately $440,000 in energy bills over the life of the project. "The Rifle Police Department, as a strong partner in the Rifle community, is happy to be part of this project,'' said Rifle Police Chief John Dyer. ``The goal of increasing our use of renewable energy is a goal we can all be proud of."
In Aspen, an event Thursday was scheduled at the Hyatt Grand Hotel, which has a large solar thermal array on the roof.
In 2004, Colorado became the first state to adopt a renewable energy standard by popular vote. Colorado's clean energy industry is drawing millions of dollars in capital investment already. Despite this potential, New Jersey has about four times more installed solar energy than Colorado, according to SEIA's 2012 U.S. Solar Insight Report.
is poised to regain a leadership position nationwide when it comes to
solar legislation. We have the political will to provide Colorado's
citizens the opportunities they clearly want to install more solar
energy," said COSEIA Board President Piper Foster.
Environment Colorado's report urges government officials to promote the development of Colorado's solar energy market through ambitious policies. Key policies highlighted in the report include:
* Strengthening the state's renewable energy standard
* Maintaining and strengthening net metering policies
* Making solar energy an attractive investment for all customers, encouraging programs such as feed-in tariffs, low-interest loans, and Property Assessed Clean Energy projects
* Developing Colorado's potential for solar water heating
* Renewing tax exemption programs
* Support of community solar projects
* Eliminating regulatory barriers to the expansion of solar energy through programs such as COSEIA's Solar Friendly Communities
"We've taken major steps forward with solar over the past few years. The progress we've made so far should enable us to move to the next level," concluded Bassett. "But in order to continue this progress we need to see commitment from our state leaders. Here in Colorado, we are counting on Governor Hickenlooper to take the lead."
Jeanne Bassett,, 303-573-3871 ext 3
Rebecca Cantwell,, 303-333-7342
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
What is Community Solar - from Solar Mosaic
It sounds great right? “Community Solar” – two powerful words that get solar enthusiasts excited; but what does it mean? It turns out it means different things to different people. The Department of Energy (DOE) commissioned a report last May to dissect the various models and designs for community solar as Community Solar has transitioned dramatically over the past few years.
Previously, Community Solar was linked directly with the Solar co-op model where groups of individuals get together to lower equipment costs. As exemplified by One Block Off the Grid (1BOG), a business initially designed as a mass solar co-op. They are shifting their model to a brokering service, and the co-op model is shifting to become Community Solar.
read more:
L.A. Officials to Flip the Switch on First Feed-in Tariff Solar Project
The City of Los Angeles will launch the nation’s largest rooftop solar program Wednesday morning in North Hollywood. Mayor Villaraigosa, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) General Manager Ron Nichols and others will stand atop an apartment building where solar panels will be connected to the grid with the flip of a switch.
Note from Joy:
A feed-in tariff is one of the best financing mechanisms to support community solar, if not the best. A large fraction of FIT projects in Germany are community-owned. I invite everyone to look at some of the excellent work Paul Gipe has done on the subject here:
One of the biggest groups in the United States supporting FITs is the Clean Coalition, which has rebranded them so they don't sound like a tax:
Have fun with these!
Sun is the Future
I invite you all to take a jaunt over to, where Susan Sun Nunamaker has been cranking out a series of posts on community solar, hitting all the bases and showcasing lots of great organizations and projects. This kind of research is very important - and there's more and more out there all the time.
many thanks,
I invite you all to take a jaunt over to, where Susan Sun Nunamaker has been cranking out a series of posts on community solar, hitting all the bases and showcasing lots of great organizations and projects. This kind of research is very important - and there's more and more out there all the time.
many thanks,
Josh Fox - Fracked Gas Isn’t a Bridge Fuel—It’s a Gangplank
It’s amazing to watch the bully pulpit, with all the power of this president’s ability to command words, focus on the greatest crisis of our generation. I applaud the President for tackling climate change in his speech on Tuesday. It’s the most important issue we face. Reducing coal pollution, increasing energy efficiency, stimulating more renewable energy—it’s about time. Especially because Dr. Hansen and other climate scientists have shown that time is running out.
However, all the good that President Obama will do with his reductions in CO2 from power plants will be undone by his embrace of fracked gas. It is clear that he does not have the right information on fracked gas. His administration has allowed the gas industry to influence far too much of this process. In March, the President called a meeting to discuss his pending climate plan. The group of 14 energy-industry leaders—nine were CEOs of energy companies—included the head of the oil and gas giant Anadarko; Southwest Gas; Edison Electric Institute; FedEx, which pushes a switch to gas vehicles; and former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, a longtime booster of gas.
CALIFORNIA: SB 43 passes Assembly Utilities and Commerce committee / Oppose SB1295
from Tom Price at
Great news! Thanks to all your hard work over the last two years, a few minutes ago our newly amended SB 43 passed the Assembly Utility and Commerce committee 11-0! It was a bipartisan victory, with at least one Republican member joining the others to pass the bill.
With PG&E, TURN, and many others withdrawing their opposition, and dozens of groups in support, it now appears very likely our bill will pass the full Assembly and go on to Governor Brown for signature.
Once passed and signed into law, this will become the biggest shared renewable program in the country.
Here are the key elements:
*600MW all-new renewable energy, to be available to renters, small businesses and all others who can't currently install renewables on site, on demand starting in June, 2014, after the PUC sets program rules and terms
*100MW set aside for projects smaller than 1MW, to be located in 'environmental justice' areas, defined as the top impacted areas for pollution/income and other factors
*100MW set aside for residential customers
* The full "value of solar" and other renewables, as the bill credit. This is perhaps the most important part. What does that mean? It means that as the PUC calculates the values of the renewables being put on the grid, it must then give that full amount to the customer signing up. So, while we can't know today exactly what the bill credit will be, we DO know that it will reflect the full value to the grid, and we all know that the value of renewables has long been undervalued.
How it will work:
*Utilities will buy new renewable energy, using RAM, RE-MAT, and other established ways of buying renewable energy, from projects up to 20MW
*Customers will sign up to get as much renewable energy on their bill as they want, and will pay the average amount the utility is paying to procure it on their behalf.
*Customers will then get a credit equal to the full value of that energy to the grid, including the time of day it was made, and where, and from what resource ( solar, wind, hydro, etc ).
If customers and developers want to bring demand and capacity to the IOU, they will likely be able to do that--there are some details on such agreements that need to be clarified.
The bill takes into account the efforts PG&E and SDGE have already been making to develop their own programs, allowing those to continue to develop while conforming with the intent of SB 43.
The full language of the amendments we took is attached.
More details later on next steps and other other news as it develops, but we wanted you to know immediately that today was a big, big win.
Thanks to Sen. Wolk and her staff, and Assembly Member WIlliams and his staff, and everyone else who helped make today possible.
Vote Solar article:
And from Suzannah Churchill at Vote Solar:
Now that SB 43 is looking likely to pass (though we still need to keep the heat on to get it to Gov’s desk), our immediate focus should be speaking out in opposition to Edison’s bill, AB 1295. AB 1295 is a flawed approach to shared RE in many ways, and would create problems for SB 43 and confusion if both bills were passed. AB 1295 is set for hearing in Senate Energy next Monday, July 2, and letters of opposition need to be in to the committee by 5 pm Thurs 6/26. AB 1295 has sailed through the Assembly already with little opposition, so it’s important that we demonstrate opposition right away.
You can read AB 1295 on leginfo at Attached is a sample letter of opposition, please feel free to work from it to send a letter in on behalf of your org.
Send a copy of the letter re AB 1295 to Senate Energy Committee (by fax at 916 642-8979, or by email at and also send a copy to Asm Hernandez (fax (916) 319-2148). Pls aslo drop me an email to let me know you have sent a letter.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Solar gardens give access to green energy to more Coloradans - The Denver Post
From the roof of a one-time Air Force hangar in Denver's Lowry neighborhood to a lot at the edge of Breckenridge, large, community solar-power arrays are popping up across Colorado.
Spurred by a pilot program by Xcel Energy, the state's largest electricity provider, 22 "solar gardens" are being built from Aurora to Grand Junction, with more to come.
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Spurred by a pilot program by Xcel Energy, the state's largest electricity provider, 22 "solar gardens" are being built from Aurora to Grand Junction, with more to come.
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Michigan Welcomes Community Solar
Community Solar has come to Michigan. Cherryland Electric Cooperative, up near Traverse City, announced the Solar Up North (SUN) Community Solar project on April 15th.
Initial plans were for Cherryland to install up to 42 solar collectors at their headquarters and then lease them for 25 years for $395 each to Cooperative members who then would get credited for the energy produced by their solar collectors on their monthly electric bills. The ribbon cutting on the expanded 80 panel system was Friday, June 8th and Cherryland has another 144 collector system currently under construction.
read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Initial plans were for Cherryland to install up to 42 solar collectors at their headquarters and then lease them for 25 years for $395 each to Cooperative members who then would get credited for the energy produced by their solar collectors on their monthly electric bills. The ribbon cutting on the expanded 80 panel system was Friday, June 8th and Cherryland has another 144 collector system currently under construction.
read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Minnesota Community solar gardens: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you | Fresh Energy
Have you ever looked into what it takes to install a solar project on your home? Installing small-scale solar energy on homes and businesses throughout Minnesota is an important way to cut coal use and transition to clean energy, but it can be hard to implement. For example, only owners of single-family homes who have the right kind of roof—for example, not too shady or oriented in the wrong direction—can develop a solar project. This eliminates a large portion of Minnesotans who live in apartments or multi-family housing, not to mention the homeowners who can't face the high upfront costs of solar.
However, last month, Minnesota's legislative leaders passed some of the boldest solar policies in the Midwest. These policies create new opportunities for solar energy to become a more permanent energy solution in Minnesota, and include a new law that allows Minnesotans to team up and develop community solar projects—independent of many of the barriers that have limited solar installations in the past.
Read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
However, last month, Minnesota's legislative leaders passed some of the boldest solar policies in the Midwest. These policies create new opportunities for solar energy to become a more permanent energy solution in Minnesota, and include a new law that allows Minnesotans to team up and develop community solar projects—independent of many of the barriers that have limited solar installations in the past.
Read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Friday, June 21, 2013
New York Paves the Way for More Solar in the Empire State
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Advantages of Developing Solar on Brownfields | Greentech Media
I'm proud that several of Colorado's community solar gardens have been built on brownfields, as well as at water treatment plants, airports, and on parking lots. The United States has already ruined enough land to power itself with solar - we don't need to ruin more!
- Joy
- Joy
When PSE&G, the largest utility in New Jersey, announces that it’s investing nearly half a billion dollars in mid-scale solar, developers in the West should take notice. Why? Because the Garden State, in addition to being blessed with rich soil, has an abundance of brownfields and landfills upon which the utility will build dozens of megawatts of new photovoltaic capacity.
Building on brownfields and landfills cuts down on -- or perhaps completely eliminates -- the kind of resource conflicts that have frequently plagued large-scale solar projects in California, particularly those on public lands.
Film explores effects of solar projects on Native American life | LA Times
With plenty of rooftops, parking lots, and brownfields available for solar development, we don't need to be converting the desert into solar farms. The desert is America's last great wilderness, it is chock full of threatened species, old-growth vegetation, and sacred sites. We shouldn't even call drylands "deserts", the word implies they are empty, when in fact the land is alive and quite fragile.
- Joy
- Joy
Documentary filmmaker Robert Lundahl’s latest work, "Who Are My People?," explores the effects of large-scale solar energy developments on Native American spiritual and cultural connections to Southern California’s scorched outback of creosote and alkaline lake beds.
At the heart of the dispute is a contest between Native American traditions and developers and government officials who contend benefits from the projects such as greenhouse gas reductions and renewable energy production outweigh their disturbance of cultural resources in the bleak desert terrain.
Film Site:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Thousands Rally for Renewables in Albany
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A small portion of the crowd gathered at the NY state capitol |
The march stretched all the way around the state capitol in Albany - thousands gathered to protest fracking and promote renewable energy. More and more, we see groups opposing extreme energy such as fracking, tar sands or coal exports, forming alliances with community renewables. Inspiring speakers including Arun Gandhi and Sandra Steingraber pledged nonviolent civil disobedience if Governor Cuomo lets hydraulic fracturing into the state of New York.
Here is the scoop from EcoWatch:
Stanford professor Mark Jacobson presented a plan to take New York state to 100% renewable energy by 2050. (While we at the Solar Gardens Institute believe 100% renewable energy is possible, we would like to see a plan a bit different from Dr. Jacobson's - one less reliant on concentrated solar and offshore wind and the transmission lines these imply. We would prefer to see small-scale community owned solar PV and storage, turning each distribution feeder into a microgrid that can resist disruptions like Hurricane Sandy.) No more would folks like Ray Kemble of Dimock PA have to deal with water contamination resulting from fracking, and the climate would have a chance to stabilize.
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The slate that nearly clobbered us! |
Now slate is metamorphic shale - we couldn't help but note that the climate-fueled storm had fracked the state capitol!
People are making the connection everywhere - solar can create the jobs we need without the need to crack the bedrock beneath our feet and contaminate our water supply. Community owned renewables can bring the benefits of clean energy to all of us, while protecting the climate. Bring it to the leaders in your state, your country: Stop fracking, go solar now!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Help others while helping yourself -- with solar! Support Rosana in Solarthon 2013
So how can you participate in the solar revolution?
One way is to sponsor me to install solar panels for low-income families with GRID Alternatives. At their annual Bay Area Solarthon, aka "solar barn-raising," I'll be joining hundreds of other volunteers to bring solar to those who need it the most.
Why is this important to me? And why should you care?
Because through the simple act of installing solar electric systems for low-income families, GRID Alternatives accomplishes so much more:
Because through the simple act of installing solar electric systems for low-income families, GRID Alternatives accomplishes so much more:
- An average GRID solar installation saves a family $28,000 over its lifetime and prevents 95 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
- GRID has installed solar for over 3,000 low-income families, saving those families $92 million and preventing nearly 290,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
- GRID has given 11,700 volunteers and job trainees the clean energy skills they need for the new economy.
By sponsoring me, you:
- Help me reach my fundraising goal.
- Help low-income families save money and get the benefits of clean energy.
- Help the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Help improve public health, national security, and global politics.
- And help yourself! Because most of these things affect you, too.
It's a win-win-win-win-win!
So, want to help yourself while helping others?
Just click here to sponsor me — any amount helps:
Thanks so much for your support, and thanks again to all of you who have sponsored me for previous Solarthons.
Rosana Francescato
California Solar Gardener
[Rosana is amazing and you should support her! -Joy]
[Rosana is amazing and you should support her! -Joy]
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Push Is On for Solar Power Bill to be Voted Upon in Albany This Session | WAER
“Every market including New York needs a portfolio of resources. You are always going to have other fuels in the mix and other generation resources. Hopefully they are going to be cleaner and more efficient plants. You are going to need those in perpetuity. Our goal is to look at solar and say increasingly so how can we rely on this resource.”
- WAER's Kaitlyn Richards talks with Carrie Cullen Hitt of the Solar Energy Industries Association about New York's Solar Initiative, what the amount of power and jobs it could create, and the power interruptions that might be avoided, such as during Superstorm Sandy.Read more:
Friday, June 14, 2013
Don’t let lawmakers leave Albany without getting their job done on solar!
In less than two weeks, New York's legislators will go home for the summer. Let's make sure they know their work isn't done until they deliver the New York Solar Bill to the Governor's desk!
We can't afford another year of inaction from state lawmakers. Hurricane Sandy exposed New York's business-as-usual energy approach for what it is: fragile and outdated. This solar bill will help New York build a more resilient power grid and tackle climate change head-on.
Take Action:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
We can't afford another year of inaction from state lawmakers. Hurricane Sandy exposed New York's business-as-usual energy approach for what it is: fragile and outdated. This solar bill will help New York build a more resilient power grid and tackle climate change head-on.
Take Action:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
The Collectivist Kilowatt: More Options for Community Solar
From Renewable Energy World:
Recent advancements to address these challenges have included solar subsidies, third-party leasing options and clean energy-specific crowd-funding platforms. In concert with a precipitous drop in PV module prices in the last five years and notable economies of scale, never before has broad-based solar seemed so viable.
But no matter how durable the bucket, if the well is dry you can't drink the water. Only about one quarter of residential roof area is suitable for hosting an on-site solar system, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This means that 75 percent of the population, including renters and those with small or shaded roofs, cannot participate in the rooftop solar revolution. What options exist for the majority, and how does the solar industry successfully navigate this obstacle?
Read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Recent advancements to address these challenges have included solar subsidies, third-party leasing options and clean energy-specific crowd-funding platforms. In concert with a precipitous drop in PV module prices in the last five years and notable economies of scale, never before has broad-based solar seemed so viable.
But no matter how durable the bucket, if the well is dry you can't drink the water. Only about one quarter of residential roof area is suitable for hosting an on-site solar system, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This means that 75 percent of the population, including renters and those with small or shaded roofs, cannot participate in the rooftop solar revolution. What options exist for the majority, and how does the solar industry successfully navigate this obstacle?
Read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Solar planning help from the American Planning Association
APA is working with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), and alongside ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability on the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership (SolarOPs), an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Through this effort, APA and its partners will provide outreach, training, and technical assistance to local and regional governments to help them implement solar energy in their communities.
A key part of SolarOPs is sharing best practices and lessons learned in order to overcome barriers to solar energy. The outreach partnership will utilize training workshops, web-based resources, and peer-to-peer sharing opportunities. DOE's compilation of best practices titled "Solar Powering Your Community: A Guide for Local Governments" serves as a foundation for outreach efforts.
Read more:
Through this effort, APA and its partners will provide outreach, training, and technical assistance to local and regional governments to help them implement solar energy in their communities.
A key part of SolarOPs is sharing best practices and lessons learned in order to overcome barriers to solar energy. The outreach partnership will utilize training workshops, web-based resources, and peer-to-peer sharing opportunities. DOE's compilation of best practices titled "Solar Powering Your Community: A Guide for Local Governments" serves as a foundation for outreach efforts.
Read more:
Monday, June 10, 2013
Joy Hughes Speaking Tour - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
I will shortly be departing on the next phase of my whirlwind national tour. I'll be speaking at the Harlem Green Economic Forum on Saturday, June 22. I may still be able to obtain seats for this event if you are interested in attending. Making community solar available for all income levels is a big challenge for citizens groups and solar companies alike. The Solar Gardens Institute is taking on this challenge, with social inclusion one of the main goals in our mission statement:
"To provide a way for everyone to own solar panels, making clean energy affordable and available for all humanity."
At SGI, we take this seriously. Once solar has paid for itself, everyone can own their own solar panels, and pass them on to their children. From the inner city to rural America, from off-grid India to the penthouses of New York, everyone should have a solar panel the same way they have a belly button!
For those in New York City who'd like a one-to-one meeting, the best times will be Friday June 14, Friday the 21st, the weekend of the 22d-23d, or Monday the 24th. Email me to set a time for coffee, drinks, or a snack and to talk about community solar.
I'll also be speaking at the premiere performances of Gasland 2, the sequel to the runaway hit expose of fracking by Josh Fox. The flames burn higher and the corruption runs deeper as the fossil fuel empire strikes back. I'll be showcasing the idea of small scale distributed renewables as a viable and positive alternative to the horror show of fracking, tar sands, and coal exports. Here is a schedule of showings - sign up at for free tix:
See you there!
Many thanks,
Joy Hughes
I will shortly be departing on the next phase of my whirlwind national tour. I'll be speaking at the Harlem Green Economic Forum on Saturday, June 22. I may still be able to obtain seats for this event if you are interested in attending. Making community solar available for all income levels is a big challenge for citizens groups and solar companies alike. The Solar Gardens Institute is taking on this challenge, with social inclusion one of the main goals in our mission statement:
"To provide a way for everyone to own solar panels, making clean energy affordable and available for all humanity."
At SGI, we take this seriously. Once solar has paid for itself, everyone can own their own solar panels, and pass them on to their children. From the inner city to rural America, from off-grid India to the penthouses of New York, everyone should have a solar panel the same way they have a belly button!
For those in New York City who'd like a one-to-one meeting, the best times will be Friday June 14, Friday the 21st, the weekend of the 22d-23d, or Monday the 24th. Email me to set a time for coffee, drinks, or a snack and to talk about community solar.
I'll also be speaking at the premiere performances of Gasland 2, the sequel to the runaway hit expose of fracking by Josh Fox. The flames burn higher and the corruption runs deeper as the fossil fuel empire strikes back. I'll be showcasing the idea of small scale distributed renewables as a viable and positive alternative to the horror show of fracking, tar sands, and coal exports. Here is a schedule of showings - sign up at for free tix:
New York
Wed 6/12 - | ALBANY, Linda Norris Auditorium
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox. RSVP |
Thu 6/13 - | SYRACUSE , SUNY-ESF: Marshall Hall
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox. |
New Jersey
Sat 6/15 - | TRENTON, New Jersey State Museum
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox. RSVP |
Mon 6/17 - | BETHLEHEM, Broughal Middle School
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox RSVP |
Tue 6/18 - | CAMP HILL, Digi Plex Cinema Center
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox RSVP |
Wed 6/19 - | WILLIAMSPORT, Community Arts Center
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox. |
Thu 6/20 - | PITTSBURGH, Soliders & Sailors Memorial Hall
Followed by Q&A with Josh Fox. RSVP |
See you there!
Many thanks,
Joy Hughes
Community Solar Concept A Big Hit At Michigan Energy Fair | CBS Detroit
LUDINGTON (WWJ) – Remember this phrase: Community solar.
It may just be the way solar energy finally fulfills its promise of cheap, clean electricity.
The dedication of a new community solar installation in Traverse City Friday was the buzz on Saturday at the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association’s Michigan Energy Fair in Ludington.
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It may just be the way solar energy finally fulfills its promise of cheap, clean electricity.
The dedication of a new community solar installation in Traverse City Friday was the buzz on Saturday at the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association’s Michigan Energy Fair in Ludington.
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Why Master Limited Partnerships are a Lousy Policy for Solar, Wind, and Taxpayers
Could Master Limited Partnerships crowd out community solar? John Farrell of the Institute for Local Self Reliance explains how they could:
Friday, June 7, 2013
California Shared Renewables Bills Gain Momentum | PV Solar Report
Momentum is building for shared renewable energy in California. Late last week the two bills we’ve been following there, SB 43 and AB 1014, passed with strong margins in their chambers of origin -- marking the first time this legislation has moved beyond committee to pass in either chamber.
The author of SB 43, Senator Lois Wolk, worked late into the night to draft last-minute amendments that would address concerns expressed by both Senator Alex Padilla and several utilities. The concerns were about an issue that’s been hounding the bill since its previous incarnation last year as SB 843: that there be no cost-shifting to utility customers not participating in the bill’s program.
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Thursday, June 6, 2013
Solar Gardens Taking Root In US Communities | EarthTechling
Written by: Pete Danko
If you've got a giant tree that shades your house on sunny afternoons, good for you; you'll stay nice and cool this summer. Of course, there is a downside to such a situation – one shared by apartment dwellers: You can't go solar.
Unless, that is, you have a solar garden option in your area.
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Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
If you've got a giant tree that shades your house on sunny afternoons, good for you; you'll stay nice and cool this summer. Of course, there is a downside to such a situation – one shared by apartment dwellers: You can't go solar.
Unless, that is, you have a solar garden option in your area.
Read more:
Joy Hughes
in community service
Solar Gardens Institute
(719)207-3097 direct
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